
There’s just something about seeds. Each seed has amazing potential. Often, one tomato seed can produce over 100 tomatoes. When I look at a seed, I immediately envision a beautiful harvest of some sort. And poring over the many seed catalogs that arrive shortly after New Year’s adds to the anticipation of things to come. […]


One of my favorite things about gardening is that I get to spend a lot of time outdoors. There are times when my husband Paul and I work together on specific projects or areas of the yard, but for the most part I work alone, in my own zone, happy as a clam. I might […]

Let’s Get Growing!

Creating Your Space Seed starting time has arrived! This is one of my favorite times of year. I find it fascinating and exciting to watch my seedlings emerge and develop into mature plants. Our last frost date is around Mother’s Day, so I always aim to begin starting my seeds around the first week of […]